Monday, January 12, 2009

Tweaking stage

I have been adjusting the settings of the Zilla for the new 96V pack voltage and using the new flooded US125 batteries to get an optimum driving experience. One of the things I noticed was that this pack has quite a bit more sag in the voltage during high current draw, due in part to the higher internal resistance of these kind of batteries. Because of this, my previous low battery voltage limit of 80V in the Zilla would get 'touched' during acceleration or going up hills. This would lead to the Zilla dialing back current (what it's supposed to do at the limit) and embarrassingly slow speeds!

After some experimentation and data gathering using ZillaView via a laptop connected to the Hairball's data port, I determined that a low battery voltage setting of ~72V (1.5V/cell) works much better, allowing the voltage sag without limiting the current I need during acceleration/hills, which can be as high as 500A from the pack in short bursts (this is my battery current limit).

More test driving tonight!

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