Sunday, March 7, 2010

Cells installed, interconnects in process

I wasted no time in getting the cells into the front and rear battery boxes. Since they don't fit exactly (I knew this in advance), I spent the first part of the day crafting some pieces of lumber to tighten up the cell packs in each box. Here you can see the front box:
and the cells in the rear battery box:

Once the cells were packed in pretty tight, I set about working on the interconnects in the front. This includes the interconnects themselves, and sandwiching cell monitors on the cells. Pretty close work, so I purposely worked on broken series sets of cells. Here is how it looks so far:

Notice the painters tape over the connects not made yet - safety first! This is where the 'light show' is going to start to become evident. Each cell monitor has a green and red LED. Green indicates the cell is in the correct voltage range. Check out the way it looks with the lights out...

Work tomorrow on the rear pack, which has twice as many cells!

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