Saturday, March 14, 2009

Power brakes are back!

Today I installed a new switch for the brake booster, and put a shock absorber between the brake booster motor mount and the battery rack - basically a thick rag. My theory was that, with movement and vibration, the old switch would get stuck on, and run the motor constantly, which was VERY annoying - the vacuum motor has to be the loudest thing in the car at this point. The new switch doesn't get stuck on, but before I installed the rag it did seem to stay on a LONG time before shutting off.

If it is only on for short stints to replace the vacuum in the reservoir, then it is tolerable, and I am now at that point with the shock absorber - yay! Power brakes again - I love it.

I also took the time to check the front batteries for voltages, fluid and hydrometer readings (rear batteries tomorrow). All 8 look good at 6.5V / ~1.250 sg. The overall rest voltage for the pack is 102.5V, which implies ~6.4V for each of the 16 batteries. Either I have some voltage drop across the 2/0 cables (expected), or something's fishy in the one or more of the back 8 (NOT expected) - more tomorrow.

If it's decent weather tomorrow, perhaps I'll make a video of driving Electro around!

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